So Who’s Paying For All This?

Endorsing a candidate is one thing. It’s another to put your money where your mouth is. Here’s who’s opening their wallets for each would-be mayor.


Total Cash Donations: $211,155
In-Kind Giving: $12,203
Total Aid: $223,358
# of Contributions: 342
Average Gift: $652
Most Frequent Gift: $250
The Lowdown: The mayor’s $223,358 war chest takes him way past Jim West’s $217,000 in 2004, making this the most a candidate has received in Spokane history. A big chunk comes from Avista, which — between in-kind gifts, cash donations and gifts from employees — gave more than $17,000.

Super Rangers ($1,000 )
Steven B. Smith, Northwest Tower LLC ($3,500)
Marshall Chesrown, Black Rock Dev. ($3,500)
Ron Wells, 601 W. Riverside LLC ($3,000)
Leroy and Brenda Nosbaum of ITRON ($2,500)
Bernardo Wills Architects ($2,000)
Walt and Karen Worthy ($1,500)
Burlington-Northern Santa Fe ($1,000)

Rangers ($500-999)
John Stone ($875)
Wheelabrator ($600)
Cyrus O’Leary’s owner Cyrus Vaughan ($580)
K & L Gates, employees ($875)

Pioneers (Up to $499)
Steve Eugster ($350)
Wendell Reugh ($300)
Mitch Silver ($300)
CH2M Hill ($250)
RenCorp ($200)


Total Cash Donations: $83,305
In-Kind Giving: $2,759
Total Aid: $86,064
# of Contributions: 139
Average Gift: $599
Most Frequent Gift: $500
The Lowdown: Not only is the city council member’s war chest less than half the size of the mayor’s, it’s also considerably more shallow. Hession got more than two-and-a-half times the number of donations, and his average gift was $50 more than hers. In addition, whereas 15 percent of Hession’s contributions were for $1,000 or more, only 11 percent of Verner’s were. Her biggest gift to date came in late September from the Spokane Firefighters Union, which gave a whopping $7,500 — the biggest gift in the race.

Super Rangers ($1,000 )
Spokane Firefighters Union ($7,500)
Robert Harless, Harless Aviation ($5,000)
Jim Sheehan ($2,500)
Spokane Tribe of Indians ($2,000)
Gerald Dicker ($1,250)
Milford’s Fish House ($1,000)
SEIU Healthcare ($1,000)

Rangers ($500-999)
Dean Lynch ($500)
The Rothrock Company ($500)
Patriot Electric Inc. ($500)
Tomlinson Black realtor Joel Crosby ($500)

Pioneers (Up to $499)
Bob Bostwick ($300)
Richard Rush ($250)
Former City Plan Commission president Candace Mumm ($200)
Realtor Mark Pinch ($200)
Rep. Don Barlow ($100)

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